Payroll Compliance: Sick Pay Accrual & Minimum Wage Increase in effect July 1st

Sick pay accrual begins Saturday, July 1, 2017 for ALL full and part time employees in Arizona. For Flagstaff employees, July 1st also marks a 50 cent increase to the minimum wage from $10.00 to $10.50 per hour.

My office offers payroll services to local businesses that will keep you in compliance with local, state and federal payroll laws.

Business Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping accurately and timely in your business provides the basis to succeed. The ideas and plans that give your business its purpose are monitored through bookkeeping and subsequent financial analysis and planning. The profits you generate are managed and grown by understanding what the numbers are behind the balances. For example: are you aware of income sources and capitalizing on potential possibilities for expansion? Is the credit you’ve extended to customers being collected in a timely manner? Are you managing creeping costs? Have you done your tax planning so you have a good idea of what tax season has in store for you? Is your business keeping up with and/or exceeding industry norms?

Teaming with you to provide financial information, consulting and tax planning & preparation to Plan, Grow and Prosper.